NBC’s Constantine series was supposed to revolve around John Constantine and his friend’s daughter Liv travelling the country solving ghosty monstery mysteries that only she could see. But then a few days ago the producers and showrunners decided that idea was crap and fired Lucy Griffiths (True Blood), the actress who played Liz.
Liv, a new character created for the show, is being replaced by Zed, desribed as being “a foil” for Constantine “who becomes his right-hand woman.” In the comics she assisted him on several occasions, including stopping Masonic demon-worshippers from taking over the British government. The pair had also been previously romantically linked, and you know how TV producers love them some sexual tension.
The part of Zed will be played by AngĂ©lica Celaya. At the risk of infuriating another fandom, you probably don’t know her. She was in one episode of Burn Notice, two episodes of Dallas and about a thousand telenovelas.