The newest trailer for The Amazing Spider-Man is out today, giving fans more of a feel of what to expect from Marc Webb’s rebooted take on the series. And, of course, there are some things that are great and some things that are not so great.
Great – Spidey gets to be funny! The fact that he taunts and makes fun of the people he fights is one of Spider-Man’s defining characteristics, and that’s something that Sam Raimi never really realized. I’m so glad to finally see that happen.
Not so great – Why is it so damn dark? This is Spider-Man we’re talking about here, yes he’s got a similar orphan origin but he’s not Batman. His movie doesn’t have to be modeled after Batman Begins.
But then, maybe I’m wrong. Maybe a character who frequently calls himself “Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man” needs his movie to be about secrets, deception and how much his life sucks.